Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Rice Cake and Dumpling Soup 떡만두국 to ring in the New Year! Happy 2011 Everyone.  I hope this new year brings nothing but the best for everyone.

Made from the good batch of gom gook MIL helped me with.  Making a big batch of broth and then freezing it for future use is SO time saving and useful!

This year I hope to be more healthy. Eat better and work out which I'm sure is on top of everyone's list today. :)

I also hope to see the glass half full this year and be more positive and hopeful.  I will continue to believe that good things come to those who wait.  Waiting in good spirits......

I'm so blessed and thankful and need to work better at counting my blessings and appreciating what I have. The grass IS green on MY side too.

I love my family and friends and our two "fur" children.

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